All of my mommas-to-be always seen to have a rich glow. There’s just something about a baby bump that really makes a dress shine, too. I love it when maternity sessions end up with a nice spring dress paired with a country scene.
Beth and Matt live on Richvale Farm in Middletown, Md., where they raise beef (you can fill your freezer) and crops. They have a daughter and are ready to welcome their second little girl very soon!

It’s been fun to watch their family grow in steps … from engagement, wedding to their first-born child. The farm originally began a few years ago, Matt being the sixth generation. His grandfather, Richard dubbed the farm Richvale when he began dairy farming in the 1950s. The farm has since transitioned into the crops and beef herd.

Beth manages the beef sales and Matt farms the property. Little Paige is developing into quite the farm girl, too. In fact, the brightest smile from her during this session was when she was able to wear daddy’s barn hat!
I wish Beth and the rest of the family a happy and healthy birth. I can’t wait to come back to visit the new addition!